Primary Urban Center Development Plan passes first reading

To adopt the revised Primary Urban Center Development Plan (PUCDP) for the City & County of Honolulu, Bill 24 (2024) passed its first reading at the April 17, 2024, full Council meeting and has been referred to the Committee on Planning and The Economy. These long-range plans guide land use planning and development through goals, policies, and actions based on a shared vision for each region developed in collaboration with the community.

Your mana’o is important, and the Council is committed to prioritizing community needs. Currently, changes are being considered for the Land Use or Place Types Maps for various neighborhoods across O‘ahu. These maps indicate various land use designations, which dictate development and density in each area. Working with the community is essential to developing plans that reflect our shared vision and address specific neighborhood needs.

“This plan is not just about development; it’s about enhancing the quality of life for all residents by creating vibrant, sustainable neighborhoods that reflect the unique character and needs of each area on our island. Community mana’o is key to making this happen and I encourage their participation in the upcoming hearings,” said Council Chair Tommy Waters.

The PUCDP aims to provide a guide for orderly and coordinated public and private sector development, ensuring it is consistent with the community’s vision. By engaging in this collaborative process, the Council seeks to ensure that development aligns with the goals and values of residents.


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