Council supports City Food Drive

The City and County of Honolulu joined forces with the Hawai‘i Foodbank to end hunger by collecting food items and donations during the Annual City Employees’ Hawai‘i Foodbank Food and Fund food drive to benefit residents throughout our state.   

At the conclusion of the drive in May, Foodbank President Amy Miller, Mayor Rick Blangiardi, Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke and the Council wrapped things up with a press conference to thank City employees for their kokua, and reiterate that food security is a year-long, 365-day issue that many families are forced to deal with everyday. At the conclusion of the event, a convoy of ten City and State vehicles transported the donations to the Hawaiʻi Foodbank to mark the culmination of the 2024 City and State food drives, while the Royal Hawaiian Band performed as a sendoff. 

The Council would like to extend a big mahalo to the City Legislative Branch for hosting several fundraising events during the Annual City Employees’ Hawai‘i Foodbank Food and Fund drive, with a goal of raising the equivalent of 500,000 meals in partnership with the State.

“Our City employees have big hearts and epitomize the true spirit of aloha,” Council Chair Tommy Waters said at the opening press conference on March 6. “We must stand united in our endeavor to progress towards a future where every individual in Hawai‘i has equitable access to safe, nutritious and adequate food all year round.”

The Hawaii Foodbank serves approximately one in six Hawaiʻi residents, including our keiki, kūpuna, low-income households, people with disabilities, individuals experiencing homelessness, and those needing emergency food assistance, regardless of their circumstances.


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