Council Duties
The City Council is the lawmaking body of the City and County of Honolulu and determines policies and programs for the City.
Sets city-wide policies by enacting ordinances and adopting resolutions relating to municipal government programs and services such as police and fire protection, parks and recreation, affordable and special needs housing, sanitation and waste disposal, public transportation and other city government operations;
Initiates new municipal programs which the City may pursue or improvements to update and refine existing programs and services;
Adopts the annual operating and capital programs and budgets to fund the operations of the City and County and delivery of city services;
Adopts measures that will yield sufficient funds to balance the budget including the setting of the annual real property tax rate;
Adopts a general plan for the City and land use laws establishing and amending the city's development plans and zoning regulations and processes;
Determines the necessity of taking property for public purposes and authorizes condemnation proceedings;
Confirms city department heads and board and commission members nominated and appointed by the mayor; and
Fixes fees and charges for all city services and the use of city property;
Authorizes settlement of claims filed against the city and against its officers and employees acting within the course of their duties;
Establishes fines and penalties for violations of city ordinances and laws; and
Accepts gifts and donations to and on behalf of the City of money, securities or other personal property, or real estate or interests in real estate.
Please reference Guiding Documents for more information.
Meeting Times
See Calendar for more information, or download a PDF of the 2024 Calendar.
The Council meets at least once a month, year-round, but special meetings may be called at any time by the Council Chair, a majority of the councilmembers, or the Mayor. Except for public emergencies, notices of meetings are made public at least 6 days before the meeting time.
Regular Council meetings are generally held in the Council Chamber on the third floor of Honolulu Hale.
Under current practice, each meeting is called to order at 10:00 a.m., by the Council Chair, who is the Presiding Officer. After roll call, the order of business is set forth in the meeting's agenda. Adoption of resolutions, bills, and committee reports, and the holding of public hearings are examples of the types of business conducted during a typical meeting.
All Council meetings, with the exception of executive sessions, are open to the public.
Executive sessions are held principally for the purpose of discussing claims against the City when premature disclosure of information may adversely affect the City's position or when the Council seeks consultation with its own counsel or staff.
Most Council and Committee meetings are televised live on Oceanic Cable Channel 54 or TCI Channel 54.
Voting is generally given by an aye or nay vote.
A majority of the nine councilmembers constitutes a quorum, and five supporting votes are usually required for an action to be taken.
There are some matters, however, on which six affirmative votes are needed, for example, to override the Mayor's veto, initiate amendments or revisions to the City Charter, resolve in executive session, or take up a new matter not posted 6 days in advance.
The Office of the City Clerk has recorded a brief history of the Honolulu City Council and a complete councilmember history. Click here to read more.