City Council
The City Council is the lawmaking body of the City and County of Honolulu and consists of nine elected councilmembers representing districts across Oʻahu. Council members propose bills, ordinances and resolutions which can go on to become laws if adopted by the Executive Branch.
Council Services
Provides comprehensive research and reference services for the City Council, for the enactment or consideration of legislation, and serves in an advisory or consultative capacity to the Council and its committees.
City Clerk
Responsible for materials filed within the City, has custody of the City seal that is used to authenticate all official papers and instruments requiring execution or certification by the City, and conducts all elections held within the City and County of Honolulu.
City Auditor
Promotes fully accountable city government. Conducts audits and examinations of city departments, programs, services and activities. The purpose of these audits is to provide the City Council and city management with independent and objective information regarding the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of those activities. Our audits are performed in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS).