Councilmember Cordero States Continued Opposition to All Salary Increases and Support of Ban on Outside Employment
June 6, 2023
HONOLULU, HAWAIʻI - Today, I want to share with you my position on the Salary Commission’s Report. While I have responded in public and directly to the constituents who contacted me that I oppose the Salary Commission’s recommendation, I want to state my position publicly. Unfortunately, despite my efforts at neighborhood boards and community meetings to share my position, those statements have not been reflected in the media.
I have spoken to a lot of people, both in support as well as in opposition, and even though I oppose the raises, there is really no right answer. That said, the people of Oʻahu deserve to hear from me directly. For this, I wanted to make a public statement that I have and will continue to oppose the salary commission’s salary schedule for the Council and the Administration.
When I became a councilmember, I chose to have no outside employment because I knew that my community deserved my full time attention. This is why I support Bill 33 and Resolution 23-109, which limit outside employment and influence. This is about clean government and giving the people the time and attention they deserve.
For me, the same applies for the Administration. Over the last 33 years, the Administration has received raises, while the Council’s have been frozen or rejected by the Council.
If these increases go into effect, I will return the raise. I signed up to be a public servant and will continue to work for my community and do not require a pay raise to do so.
Cordero represents City Council District 7, which spans from Kapālama Kai to ʻAiea and includes Kalihi Kai, Kahauiki, Mauliola (Sand Island), Moku Mokauea, Moanalua, Āliapaʻakai (Salt Lake), Māpunapuna, Āhua (Airport), Āliamanu, Kapūkakī (Red Hill), Kapuaikaula (Hickam), Mokuʻumeʻume (Ford Island), Hālawa, Kalauao, and Waimalu Kai.